Better Late Than Never

Although the concept of blogging has existed for many years, I have never really followed any particular blog.  I have also never had the desire to start a blog myself.   Now that it is part of the class assignments for #eme6414 I am interested in delving into the world of blogging.  I am also interested to read the blogs from my classmates to read their perspectives on this field of study and the concepts.  

I am a little nervous about this course, however, I am also excited to become familiar with new social media sites and technology.  I am also excited to learn how to engage readers in commentary and learning using blogs and social media.


  1. Welcome to the blog world, James!

    1. Thanks Vanessa, this is a new journey for me.

  2. Looking forward to reading your thoughts throughout the course, James!

    1. Alexis, I am looking forward to reading your thoughts as well.


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